Two and a Half Men
Okay, so really, Justin and I usually only watch re-runs of this, but it's on at a time that nothing else is, and Pat likes it. We'll see if Ashton can hold the show over.
This is a tried and true series that we enjoy watching with Brian and Rachel. The series has gotten a little repetitive for me, with not enough character development. On the other hand, getting together with one of our favorite couples on a weekly basis is pretty much awesome.
At first, I rebelled against this spin-off, but over time [and Justin's encouragement] I've decided I really enjoy it. The cast plays off of one another well. LL Cool J is hilarious and what's even better is that Pat calls him L as though they're personal friends.
I love Glee. Sometimes the plot is rocky, but the music is incredible. As I have always wished that it was acceptable to break out in song regardless of the situation, I live vicariously through this show. Also, I love that one of the most functioning relationships on the show is between Kurt and Blaine.
New Girl
This is the newest show in our line-up. The pilot was adorable, quirky and delightfully funny. I'm looking forward to see where the plot leads- especially because parts of it remind me of my current situation!
Big Bang Theory
This is the funniest show in the entire world. Hands down. We spent last year catching up on the series- we started at the beginning and by last May had seen every episode. I think we've even infected Brian and Rachel with the Big Bang Bug!
Fact: I told Justin I didn't like Chuck, bought him the first season for Christmas and subsequently fell in love.
Fact: I have a small crush on Zachary Levi.
Fact: Justin has a man-crush on Zachary Levi, so he doesn't really mind that I do too.
This is probably my favorite show that we watch. It has strong character development, intricate mysteries and maintains a steady stream of banter throughout it all. She's all head and he's all heart and together they make my Thursday nights. Even though it doesn't return until November, I'm already stoked for the new season.
I love White Collar for so many reasons. It doesn't return until the spring [because USA can't compete with major networks, but I hate not knowing the answers for 6 months!] This show has some great stuff in it, most notably Kelly Kapowski from Saved by the Bell, a conspiracy theorist named Mozzy and an adorable puppy named Sachmo. If you've never seen this, check it out before January's season starts up.
This is a long post, which is rather embarrassing because we do watch a lot of t.v. But we enjoy having some down time at the end of the evening to decompress. We also try to have at least one week-night and one weekend-night that we break from t.v. {read: Rationalizing, Rationalizing, Love TV, Rationalizing}
So there you have it- the JILLIAN stamp of approval
for your fall/winter viewing pleasure.
fun! I love to see what other people watch (and I like getting to know people by asking what tv shows they love. I think it says a lot about a person. :D) I also love getting new ideas for shows I haven't watched before. :)