
Paperback Beauty

I'm a lover of simple things. I love the flowers. I love dinner at home. I love lazy Sundays. I love card games. I love my husband (who is not a simple-minded person, but who simplifies my life). Some of my favorite nights with Justin have been those when we watch some t.v., play a hand of Rummy and read before bed. While extravagance can be fun, like our honeymoon to Disney World, I'd rather live the majority of my days in simple bliss.

One of my favorite simple things to do is read. I love to escape into the hilarity, heartbreak, passion, death, life, intrigue or whimsical nature of an alternate reality. A reality where Harry struggles to balance his OWLs as well as defeat Voldermort He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. A reality where Stephanie gets to choose between Joe Morelli and Ranger. A reality where vampires exist (and no, it's not Twilight). A reality where God chooses to meet Mack in a cabin.

My least favorite thing about reading is trying to find the next thing to pick up! There are some excellent websites, such as Goodreads that allow you to search books that are similar- by genre, author or title. There are ratings attached to each book, but I have found them to be fickle; I'm unable to tell if a book is actually worth reading. Perusing the library or bookstore causes me to do one thing: judge a book by its cover. There's a reason that you're not supposed to do that. Trust me.

And now, the worst has happened: I've run dry. I've re-read all of my favorites. I've tried new series. I've asked my mom. Please help.

Tell me some of your favorites; they may be next on my reading list.


  1. Mistaken Identity - my favorite book! I have it if you want to borrow it : )

  2. Books that should be read-
    -Dracula - Bram Stoker
    -Frankenstein- Mary Shelley
    -The Alchemist- Paulo Coelho
    -The Giver- Lois Lowry
    -The Tent- Margaret Atwood

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Books With Awesome female leads-
    -All books from Kathy Reichs: She created Bones. Her books are more accurate in the forensics department than the show has become, and the characters a bit different, but I still love them!

    -Heat Wave- Richard Castle (yes... the Richard Castle from the show.. it's a real book. teehee)

    -The Hunger Games- Suzanne Collins (haven't read this yet, but read tons of awesome about it.)

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Books because-
    -Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norell-Susanna Clarke (Kinda like a Harry Potter for adults. Can be a bit dry at times.)

    -Pride and Prejudice and Zombies- Jane Austen and Seth Grahame-Smith (why- because it's Hilarious!! I have both the book and the Graphic Novel)

    -The Eye of the World- Robert Jordan

    I have pretty much all the books listed above if you wanna borrow them.
